Long Term Care at Mellor Nook
What can you expect from living at Mellor Nook
Privacy, Dignity, Choice, Fulfilment and Independence
We enable you to have as much choice and independence as possible. You
have privacy and are treated in a dignified way at all times. For example,
staff are polite and courteous to you at all times and call you by the
name of your choice. You are offered a choice in all aspects of your care
and in your daily living routines wherever possible.
In order to make your stay with us as comfortable and interesting as possible, we organise a range of activities and entertainment. If an activity that you are particularly interested in is not provided, ask Jim or Eleanor or raise it at a residents' meeting, or write down your suggestion and place it in the suggestion box in the pourch. We always encourage you to do as much for yourself as you can or want to. There are trips and entertainment arranged during the month. Just ask other residents, or their relatives, about what we do and offer.
Personal Care
If you require help in bathing or dressing, this is provided by someone
acceptable to you. The same staff care for you regularly so they can get
used to your preferences. If at any time you are unhappy about your care
arrangements, then speak to the person in charge of the home (Jim or Eleanor)
(Dressed in a blue top), or if you feel you can't, ask for your Social
Services care manager who will sort the matter out with you.
Your Room
Staff always knock and wait until you ask them to come into your room. The room is decorated to reflect the cottage atmosphere of the home and you are welcome to bring personal effects where practical. You can get up in the morning and go to bed when it suits you.
Living Rooms
Communal and sitting rooms are available at all times for you to meet and relax with friends.We provide alcoholic drinks on request each evening (sherry, Baileys, Guinness etc.) you are encouraged to do everything you did or would have liked to do at home.
Meals and Drinks
There is choice and variety at meal times. You are asked about your preferences and can eat at the time and place convenient to you. You may want to eat in your room. If you are going out and think that you might be back late for any reason or miss the normal meal time, you can ask the Tracy or Paula (the cooks) to put a meal back for you.
Going Out
We encourage you to use both our facilities and local community facilities.
You are able to come and go just as you please
You are free to go out at any time, but please let the home know where
you are going and roughly when you expect to return. Sometimes it may
be necessary to take special precautions to safeguard your interests.
This might mean that you cannot go out unaccompanied, or special arrangements
need to be made to enable you to do things which are considered 'risky'
or physically dangerous.
Your visitors can come at any time convenient to you. We do appreciate it if visitors refrain from coming at meal times this is because we don't like people to be rushed through there meal. Your visitors will be made welcome and offered refreshments.
Using the Telephone
We have a place where you can make a private call without being overheard There is a wireless phone available and a few residents have a private line fitted in their room.
Hairdressing, Chiropody and Newspapers
The hair dresser comes every week the chiropodist comes every 6 weeks
and a newspaper can be ordered. It is you choice whether or not to use
these services but these are the only things which are not included in
the fee
Religious Worship
We have close links with our local church and arrange for religious services to be held in the home. If you prefer and are able to visit your own church or place of worship we can arrange it.
Your Views on the Home
We have a suggestion boxes, which you are encourage you to use. Also we hold residents' meetings from time-to-time, which your friends or relatives are able to attend. We are constantly trying to pick up ways to make things better. Each year we do a Quality Assurance Questionnaire and involve everyone in the results
We have a written complaints procedure that is given to you when you
move in. As well as expressing your views at residents' meetings, you
can make a formal complaint to Jim or, your relatives and friends can
complain on your behalf if you prefer.
If you have any complaints the first person you should talk to Eleanor Care/manager. If they do not deal properly with the issue you raise, or you feel you cannot talk to them, then contact the local Social Services office.